People should be inspired for the fascinating ecosystem of the Wadden Sea and thus put nature in the focus of their actions. Comprehensive information, interactive stations and nature experience events inform national and international visitors about the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site.

In addition, the tourist attractiveness of Wilhelmshaven is to be increased, whereby the new experience exhibition is geared to the needs of all people.

Inspired by the immediate surrounding, the Wadden Sea, the exhibition themes are conceived as islands, which are perceived as a unity through colour and form and are set apart from each other by the different materials and colours. Tideways connect the islands and structure the space.

The architectural features of the building are taken up in terms of content, so that the vertical levels adapt to the exhibition themes: from the underwater and marine world on the ground floor and first floor to the creatures around and in the mudflats, to the air space. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors form an exhibition unit that presents and explains the thematic complexes of whales and the Wadden Sea in a way that builds on each other didactically.

Spatial elements and existing exhibits connect the exhibition levels with each other. The suspension of a real skeleton of a whale seems to “swim” through the room. Water projections in the room and on the ceiling support this impression and turn the place into an underwater experience.

Each exhibition unit has an interactive game and many other interactive means – digital and analogue.

Fotos: Andreas Keller